Blitz (125/193)

From:David McMinn
Date:25 Aug 2000 at 16:50:55
Subject:Re: rubik's cube


> Does anybody have any idea how to write ablitz program to solve a Rubik's cube.
> apart from working out that there are 18 possible moves and the total number of
> positions is in the region of 20 digits long the only thing I can think of is a
> loop trying it first in one move. However with this method the total amount of
> moves goes up by a factor of 18:
> Moves Total number
> 1 18
> 2 324
> 3 5832
> 4 104996
> 5 approx 1.8 million
> This leads to the proram slowing down a lot. Prehaps it would be better in C

Perhaps it would be better to re-think how you're going to calculate the
solution. How many moves (roughly) does it take on average to complete a
Rubik's cube? 20 sounds like a fairly low estimate, but if we take it as an
example, you're going to have to evaluate 1.27x10^25 moves. Obviously you know
the starting state (otherwise you'd have to multiply the number of moves by the
number of starting states).

C, Blitz or ASM, that's gonna take a long time. Unless it only needs a low
number of moves (from your table, I'd say low would mean 4, 5 or not much more).

You might want to take a look at mathematical optimisation techniques and
perhaps some AI stuff. Genetic algorithms could be used, although it might be
tricky to get right and would still take a while. Expert systems could also be
used and would probably be quicker (they're based on sets of rules, so if you
get a Rubik's expert to give you some rules for solving it your program would
be quite good too).

|) /\ \/ ][ |) |\/| c |\/| ][ |\| |\| | | ICQ=16827694
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