Blitz (161/193)

From:Rob Hutchinson
Date:28 Aug 2000 at 21:00:10
Subject:RE: MUIOpenWindow in EFMUILib v2.0 (the SDS one)

> Gareth Griffiths's head burst.
> All we could scrape off the wall was MUIOpenWindow in EFMUILib
> v2.0 (the SDS one).
> > Hello,
> >
> > I realise that it's been converted to a function now, which is good, but
> > every time I try and compile a program with this in, the
> Debugger shows up
> > with "GURU! - Line 1111 Emulator"
> >
> > What is that and is there any way around it?
> I think thats a floating point error. Don't worry, its normally
> nothing to do
> with your FPU, more like some bad code jumped into random memory
> and started
> executing non-existant instructions.
> Does it happen when you turn the debugger off?
> Does it happen when you do "Compile and Run" or if you just try
> to "Run" it?

It happens when you haven`t structured/attached your objects
correctly... Like I said, its VERY tempremental..

Rob Hutchinson -
ICQ#: 27181384 -

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