Blitz (167/193)

From:David McMinn
Date:29 Aug 2000 at 10:02:55
Subject:Re: Games + Blitz manual


> Is there an alternative to the Blitz manual? I just don't find it
> particularly
> well written and hard to understand in places. And why if I halt a program with

No alternatives, and yes it sucks. There was supposed to be a group of people
writing a new sort of Blitz book, but I never heard of it getting released.

> Ctrl-Alt-C and then run it again does it usually crash? (This is when Blitz2 is
> running - not when I'm running an executable I've compiled).

Do you mean run it from within the debugger, or quit the debugger and then run
it again from the Blitz editor?

If its the first case, then I'm not sure why, since it would be a bit crap if
you couldn't stop your program to debug it and then start it again. What
version of the debugger do you have? If you have other debugging tools active
(i.e. Enforcer) then the debugger might crash (since it causes Enforcer hits).

If it's the second one, thats usually badly written libraries. You can try
Compile and Run instead of just Run it this case.

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You sendin' in the Fett? Shit, Hutt, that's all you had to say!
- Samuel L. Jackson, Jedi

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