Blitz (179/193)

From:David McMinn
Date:30 Aug 2000 at 10:23:31
Subject:Re: Games + Blitz manual

Hi Donovan

> I would still be interested in working with others on an ebook
> manual, say with it being added to command-by-command and always
> available to the public for whatever help it could be. I would
> like to start with the screen commands if anyone wants to supply
> information/insite...

I'd help out I suppose, since I was going to do something like this for the
Blitz 2000 site. So far I've only got a very crap and overly complicated
explanation of binary that I'm going to remove.

I'd also like to stick it on the Blitz 2000 website, which I will get around to
finishing if it kills me!

However, rather than jump in at the Screen commands, I was going to go threough
the manual from the start and re-write it pretty much, but leave out all the
obsolete stuff, like Blitz 2 gadgets and Slices. If you'd rather we started in
the middle (since there probably isn't many newbies left who don't know how to
use variables etc), then thats reasonable.

|) /\ \/ ][ |) |\/| c |\/| ][ |\| |\| | | ICQ=16827694
Everybody is somebody else's weirdo

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