Blitz (187/193)

From:Tony Rolfe
Date:31 Aug 2000 at 04:20:04
Subject:Re: Blitz2000

On Wed, 30 Aug 2000 10:19:44 +0100 David McMinn said:
> Hi Toby
> > Hello,
> >
> > Can somebody (ie David:) point me the right way towards the Blitz2000 site
> > please ;]
> Don't get excited when you get there, it's probably in the same state as you
> last saw it years ago :)
> Either or I
> set up the V3 url because I'm thinking of moving it soon. I want to stick the
> list archives online and I don't have enough space on Freeserve.
> Anyone know if those 50/75/100 Mb free sites are any good? How annoying are the
> banners?

What sort of space do you need? My ISP really doesn't care how much
space I use. His basic criterion is that I don't back up my entire
HDD there every week. If we are talking about a few meg there's no
problems, anything over 10Mb I'd have to go chat with him first.

Tony Rolfe
Amiga 2000, 68030/25, 1+8Mb
ICQ #51271965

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