Blitz (26/193)

From:James L Boyd
Date:5 Aug 2000 at 03:58:25
Subject:Re: Opening libs and devices

> I have troble with closing librarys. I can open library (OPenLib_),
> but I can't close it. What is the library number in CloseLib_ command???
> Please help!

You need to do something like:

*something.Library=OpenLibrary_ ("blahblah.library")

If *something
UseTheCommandFromTheLibrary_ (function's parameters) ; whatever
function you're calling
CloseLibrary_ *something
Else Request "","Couldn't open blahblah.library","END"

> In which way I can open and close .devices ie. ahi.device? (I want
> just check if it is installed in system)

I seem to remember something like: OpenDevice_ ("whatever.device", other
parameters?), but I think they return 0 if successful, an error code if
unsuccessful...I don't have my autodocs handy! :(

See ya,

James L Boyd.
My comments do not reflect the views of myself or anyone I know.
Connected from Fife, Scotland.
Death to the Pixies!

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