Blitz (35/193)

From:James L Boyd
Date:6 Aug 2000 at 15:48:15
Subject:Re: StatsFuncs

> > I tried the StatsFuncs code on the Aminet (James L Boyd) and I agree
> it
> > is good :)
> >
> > But..... I replaced all the SMouseX, SMouseY, ScreenHeight and
> > with the alternatives. I like the control over the functions, but it
> didn't
> > make the exe size smaller. In fact it went up from 29k to 30k. What am I
> > doing wrong??
> Nothing - the way it works is this:
> In order to eleminate a blitz library from being included in your exec
> (thereby shrinking the file size) you must eleminate EVERY command that is
> contained in that library.

Exactly -- you need to replace all commands in a particular library (the
Blitz Screen library calls in this case), which isn't always possible with
what's in StatsFuncs, so sometimes it'll result in smaller programs,
sometimes not, depending on what other commands you've used in your program.
A lot of it is just meant as examples of how to call OS functions, some of
it's just gimmicky...I was bored... ;)

See ya,

James L Boyd.
My comments do not reflect the views of myself or anyone I know.
Connected from Fife, Scotland.
Death to the Pixies!

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