Blitz (40/193)

From:Curt Esser
Date:7 Aug 2000 at 00:42:56
Subject:Re: StatsFuncs

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2000 7:32 AM
Subject: Re: StatsFuncs

> In a message dated 06/08/00 05:05:25 GMT Daylight Time,
> writes:
> > In order to eleminate a blitz library from being included in your exec
> > (thereby shrinking the file size) you must eleminate EVERY command that
> > contained in that library.
> As this is true, does anyone know how to replace FindScreen and HideScreen
> with OS calls?

FindScreen is tricky, but not impossible - you'd first have to get the
pointer to the screen you want to use (there is some stuff in Jame's
StatsFuncts that shows how to do this for the WorkBench)

If you are opening your own screen through the OS functions, you already
have the pointer returned to you by the function.

Then you would copy the information from the OS's screen structure into a
Blitz screen object.

You have to be careful to return the screen pointer in the Blitz object to
0 before you try to end your program, though - otherwise Blitz would try to
free the screen when it exits...

HideScreen is easy - just use the OS function:


You only have to give it the pointer to the screen you want to hide....

Curt Esser (Pictures) (Amiga stuff)

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