C (100/178)

Date:22 Jul 2000 at 23:20:16
Subject:Re: EasyRequestArgs()

Duff@DIKU.DK (Allan Odgaard) wrote on 22.07.2000:


> > I`m playing a bit with EasyRequestArgs() and I wonder
> > if it`s possible to center these requests [...]
> Not to my knowledge... :-(

That`s bad.

> > Well, rtpatch provides this functionality but I believe I have
> > to get rid of this oldie sometime...
> hmm... use MCP or one of the dozen other multi function commodities
> which offer the same feature :-)

Well, rtpatch does it`s job, that`s not the problem, reqtools is.

And apart from this - I can`t tell my users to use rtpatch
to avoid ugly requester-layout with my program...

Greetz - Rudolph

The Most Expensive Thing You Can Haul Is An Empty Trailer.