C (116/178)

From:Nick Lamburn
Date:24 Jul 2000 at 18:15:30
Subject:Re: Going OO Nuts and Source Repository

Hi Colin,

> As I still don't know WHAT classes there are in Intuition, I will
> assume they are not too flashy, but I should look into it to see
> exactly what is supplied, if anyone already knows what "built in"
> classes there are, I would be interested in the info...

So you know what gadgets classes are built in, they are: :)

- Prop gadget (slider/scroller)
- Buttton with no frame
- Button with frame
- String/Integer Gadget
- Group Class (makes composite gadgets)

You can extend any of these and make your own new gadget if you so wish; and
if it works - which as yet it doesn't for me ;)

Also Commdore did release an official tabs, and calendar gadget, it's on the
Dev CD 1.2, and therfore i guess 2.1 as well.

Remember, this is not just 3.1, but also as low as Kickstart 37.175 - 2.04.
I don't believe v36.0 OS (2.0x) has the OOP BOOPSI functionality in it,
though i'll try on my A3000 tonight :)


Nick Lamburn - Dept. Manager of Trogladite Software
oruk_amigan@btinternet.com http://www.trogsoft.org

The Most Expensive Thing You Can Haul Is An Empty Trailer.