C (125/178)

From:Alexander Niven-Jenkins
Date:25 Jul 2000 at 20:21:53
Subject:Re: PROGDIR:

Hiya Andrew,

On 24-Jul-00, you wrote:

> Could anyone tell me about the PROGDIR: assign? Is it a standard Amiga
> thing or has it just been adopted by programmers? How do I use it?

Just bung PROGDIR: infront of any filename :-)

It's OS2+ only I think.

You'll know if it's working or not as if you don't have a high enough
revision of the OS you'll get a 'insert volume PROGDIR: in any drive'
requester :-)

If it's still not working, check things like write access to the drive

Kind regards...


Cremlin Software - http://www.cremlinsoftware.org
Founder, lead programmer - ghandi@cremlinsoftware.org
Production, programmer - anj@cremlinsoftware.org

The Most Expensive Thing You Can Haul Is An Empty Trailer.