C (137/178)

From:Gabriele Svelto
Date:26 Jul 2000 at 20:55:36
Subject:BOOPSI again & again

Hello coders,
I'm trying to write a private BOOPSI class and got a lot of problems. First of all I read the RKM section on creating a BOOPSI class and I've looked at RKMModel.c example file but whithout any result. First of all RKMModel.c is a little bit obscure sometimes. For example in the initRKModMClass() a Class *cl variable is declared and the value returned from MakeClass() is assigned to it whithout any castings. I searched the autodocs for MakeClass and found that it returned an IClass *. I searched the includes but couldn't find anywhere a struct Class { etc... }. Obscure indeed... I didn't understand too how I could from within the dispatcher get data from the Gadget structure of an object, how do I do that? Thanx in advance,


The Most Expensive Thing You Can Haul Is An Empty Trailer.