C (145/178)

From:Hodari K
Date:27 Jul 2000 at 11:47:05
Subject:Re: How to start ?

--- Lee Procter <el_wild_card@hotmail.com> a �crit�: >

> >Where can I get help to learn C, C on the Amiga and
> the SAS C compiler ?
> Hello Hodari. I was in the same situation a year
> ago. I suggest you get a
> good book on ansi C. "The C Programming Language" By
> Kernighan and Ritchie
> is the most complete, yet woefully complicated for a
> beginner to
> programming.

I already have this book. I have been through part of
it. But that didn't make me a C programmer on Amiga.

> I learnt the most from "C for Dummies" vol I & II.
> This skirts around some
> major issues, but it is mostly ansi compliant,
> without leaning on the
> DOS/Windows side of things too much.

Up to there, where did you practice C, Amiga or PC ?

> When I was comfortable with ANSI C, I bought the
> Amiga Developer CD_Rom v1.2
> for £15 from epic. This is now an irreplaceable CD
> in my collection.

Won't be able to get it in Kinshasa.

> Good Luck, and I am willing to answer any questions
> you might have, I wish I
> had someone to ask a year ago :P

Thank you for that.
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> http://www.hotmail.com


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