C (16/178)

Date:11 Jul 2000 at 19:13:22
Subject:Re: Background task name.

----- Original Message -----
From: Sensei <sensei@box43.gnet.pl>
To: Tim Hanson <amiga-c@egroups.com>
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2000 3:06 PM
Subject: [amiga-c] Re: Background task

Czesc Tim!

Dnia 10-Lip-00, Tim Hanson napisa�:

>So the general concensus is that it`s ok to task=FindTask(NULL) then
>strcpy(task->tc_Node.ln_Name,"newname"); as long as newname is shorter than
>the old name.

You should not do this in that way IMO... You never know where it was used

> Or should I just use

>const char newName[]="newname";
>char *oldName=task->tc_Node.ln_Name;

>Is any of this legal or is it all a horrid hack?

It's the only way to change task name in AmigaOS... Authors forgot about
adding functions like SetTaskAttrsA() and GetTaskAttr()...

Well, basically they would do extactly the same thing( those hacks) So what
is the point of these functions other than to simplify things to the user.

Cheers charlie

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