C (164/178)

From:Michal Stochmialek
Date:28 Jul 2000 at 19:22:32
Subject:Re: debugging gcc programs ?

On 28-Jul-00, torrelli@mctel.fr wrote:

> Can someone suggest me a working debugger to be used with gcc ?
> Basically I need something that allows me to examine the heap, step
> a program and put breakpoints (conditional would be nice too but :)
> Gdb doesn't seem to work here (or did I miss something ?)

If you want to use gdb, you have to use ixemul.library
in your program


Michal 'Misto/SubBlaBla' Stochmialek (misto@TopNet.pl)
http://misto.silesianet.pl (http://www.silesianet.pl/~mistofel/)

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