C (23/178)

Date:12 Jul 2000 at 14:58:54
Subject:Re: atof ( )

> Hi! I'm doing some porting from windows to Amiga and I've stumbled across a
> function called atof() (ascii to float I suppose) that I can't find
> anywhere. I'm using StormC 3.0 (from dev cd 2.1) and Golded (which
> highlights the word atof, so it ought be somewhere..)
> please help

atof should take an ascii string and return a double (faux ami :)
Dunna stormC, but if you don't have atof, you might use sscanf like that:

double my_atof( char *s )
double res=0.0;

sscanf( s, "%lf", &res );
return res;

or eventually check if you've got a strtod function..

Hope it helps.


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