C (24/178)

From:Nicolas SALLIN
Date:12 Jul 2000 at 15:44:39
Subject:Re: gfx card speed issues

Hello Paul,

>>> Thats what I thought. If not, it would spend time switching your buffer into
>>> memory from fast (although not display it). IYSWIM. At least, thats my
>>> thinking of how it works, which is probably wrong.
>> This is correct. The reason for drawing into the buffer instead of direct to
>> the screen is to prevent flicker. Bitmaps can be held in fast-ram, but there
>> will be a very noticeable slowdown.
> But surely fast ram is better because the CPU can access this a *lot* faster?

yes, but if you must dump your 640*480 buffer in the video memory all the time it could be far more
faster to directly do all your work in the vram
ie: Napalm is very very slow


Nicolas SALLIN, aka Henes/Taskers - http://jump.to/taskers
Roketz developer - http://drive.to/roketz
ICQ: 48048980

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