C (25/178)

From:Jacob Laursen
Date:12 Jul 2000 at 15:55:39
Subject:Re: ExamineFH() Problems

On 12-Jul-00 Nick Lamburn wrote:

> I am currently writing a routine to read a file (currently fixed to
> s:shell-startup just for testing purposes) and get its size so that I
> can allocate a buffer to hold this text in.
> Now, I understand you have to use ExamineFH() from the dos.library; and
> indeed it works - except that when i click on to my program's window or
> anywhere else for that matter - the computer completely freezes up
> requiring a reboot.

You need to allocate memory for your FileInfoBlock. Right now your code
will trash memory.

Jacob Laursen (jlaur@mail1.stofanet.dk)

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