C (43/178)
From: | Nick Lamburn
Date: | 13 Jul 2000 at 19:47:33
Subject: | TextEditor MUI Class Problem
I decided to take a look at the TextEditor MCC for MUI today, and firstly i
wanted to compile the example file. I'm using SAS/C 6.58 and have all MUI
includes installed properly. (Since other MUI apps have compiled fine)
However I get errors such as incorrect usage of reserved names like __a1 -
these are obviously CPU registers.
I cannot figure out how to solve this and i was wondering if anyone could
'fix' it so it will compile with SAS/C 6.5.
I've attached the code here. You might decry laziness but this is outside
my knowledge and i'm stumped! :)
BTW: Thanks to all those who helped with the FileinfoBlock problem, it now
works a treat, thank you all :)
All the best,
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| -Oo8O==88=8 Boing Ball is a � of Amiga Inc. |
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