C (57/178)

From:Alastair M. Robinson
Date:15 Jul 2000 at 14:01:33
Subject:Source repository [was: Yet another datatypes question]


> This looks just the ticket, thanks. Which reminds me of a thought I had -
> perhaps we could get a web-based "source despository" together, which
> contains example sources like these? I know there are mailing list archives,
> but I think this might be a bit more useful.

Now this is a *brilliant* idea. I'm sure loads of people on this list
have some sort of 'pet' routine they'd like to pledge.

It could turn into a sort of Amiga-specific LEDA!

Depending on how many bits of source are contributed, it'll need careful
organisation though

All the best,

Alastair M. Robinson, email:blackfive@fakenhamweb.co.uk

The Big Bang was only the universe rebooting.

It's the End Of The Line for My Shipping Broker.