C (61/178)

From:Allan Odgaard
Date:15 Jul 2000 at 16:25:03
Subject:Re: I am going OO nuts !!!

On 15-Jul-00, Colin Wenzel wrote:

> However, linking is another story, I cannot resolve the
> symbols: DoMethod() & MUI_MakeObject()
> [...]
> Could you or anyone else supply the stub routines or
> prototype info for these calls please.....

This will probably work:

ULONG DoMethod (Object *obj, ULONG methodID, ...)
return DoMethodA(obj, (Msg)&methodID);

Object *MUI_MakeObject (ULONG objType, ULONG firstParam, ...)
return MUI_MakeObjectA(objType, &firstParam);

Though the latter should be done by the compiler, by using "#pragma
tagcall" in the appropriate pragma file. And the former is a function
of amiga.lib, it's prototyped in "clib/alib_protos.h".

Regards Allan

It's the End Of The Line for My Shipping Broker.