C (62/178)

From:Colin Wenzel
Date:15 Jul 2000 at 16:31:13
Subject:Re: I am going OO nuts !!!

On 16-Jul-00, Mike Carter wrote:
> Recieved your message about [amiga-c] Re: I am going OO nuts !!!, on
> 15-Jul-00

>>� I have looked in all the FD files for the prototypes & checked
>> � what lib sources I have to find the stub code, I cannot
>> � find those. I have found other variants like: DoGadgetMethod()
>> � but I cant find: DoMethod() & MUI_MakeObject().
>> �
>> � Could you or anyone else supply the stub routines or
>> � prototype info for these calls please.....

> DoMethod() call is in the amigalib. For StormC at least you just
> include the clib/amigalib.h or something like that name (this is just
> off the top of my head).
> M!ke C

OOps, I made an error in my previous mail,
I said: "protos" but I meant "pragmas" .....

In amigalib.h the template is there, here it is:

ULONG DoMethodA( Object *obj, Msg message );
ULONG DoMethod( Object *obj, unsigned long MethodID, ... );

but I need the *stub* routine or *pragma* definition to compile it,
as an example, like this call in gadtools for GT_BeginRefresh()..

#pragma amicall(GadToolsBase, 0x5a, GT_BeginRefresh(a0))

There is no pragma file in /pragmas or any FD file for amiga.lib
in my collection, do you have one by chance ?



Colin Wenzel. Australia.

EMAIL: colstv@hotkey.net.au
URL: http://www.hotkey.net.au/~colstv/
ICQ: 17608330
AMIGA: 4000T, 68060/50, 150Mb RAM,
OS 3.5, Spectrum Gfx Card.

The Most Expensive Thing You Can Haul Is An Empty Trailer.