From: | Nick Lamburn |
Date: | 20 Jul 2000 at 16:38:19 |
Subject: | BOOPSI freeze ups |
Recently I have been really getting into the BOOPSI system; as it's just
waht I need, to be able to program my own gadget classes etc. I have
successfully compiled BOOPSI code which uses the basic gadget classes like
'propgclass' and 'strgclass' for example. I have also had success with
third party classes like 'TextField' class.
However the point of learning BOOPSI for me was to write my own gadgets.
Problems of course have abounded and made most sttempts utterly useless.
I have attached (hopefully i can't get done for this :)) some example BOOPSI
code from the RKM: Libraries example source code: rkmbutclass.c. The
compiled example on the ADCD 1.2 crashes when you click on the custom gadget
unless you resize the window first; then it is fine. By crash i mean the
system freezes, no mouse movement etc. requring a Ctrl-LAmiga and RAmiga.
When I compile it with SAS/C 6.58, there a re a few errors; which i
corrected, and i compile it. As usual it looks just the same as the pre
compiled one, and it still freezes when you click on the gadget to resize
it. If however you try to resize the window; when you release the selection
button to confirm the new size, it freezes up like clicking on the custom
gadget. Annoying.
I have tested this on:
A1200T/040-25MHz&PPC/Wbench 3.0 and KStart 3.1 (haven't had time to install
3.1 disks). I have tried to disable caches, and to no avail, same things.
Amiga 3000, 030/25MHz/882-25MHz, SuperKickstart 2.04 and Amiga Workbench
The same behaviour is replicated on both machines.
In attempt to write my own class, inheriting from the gadgetclass, i set to
work. Today i finished it, it's just a simple button type gadget since it's
an easy type to make. (even though buttongclass already exists :)) I get
the same behaviour really as the actual Commodore RKM Libs 2.04 example.
Except on the A1200T is freezes up when the windows opened when the gadget
refresh routine is called, and on the A3000 the gadget is drawn, but
resizing or clicking on the window/gadget results in a crash. (It does go
to a guru - no freezing)
I put debug output statements in and have not had much luck with getting it
to show me what's wrong.
Please help me, and correct where I am going wrong, and why it is crashing
because this is becoming really awful, if it was just my code crashing I
could accept that, but when Commodore's examples fail on two machines, one a
unexpanded A3000 (give or take the bridgeboard, isa card and extra ram,
bigger hard disk and that) with the 2.04 ROM (well softkicked from
superkick) - it is intensely irritating!! :-(
Please someone help before I give up!!
Note that my source code is v. similar to the rkmbut whatever file from
Commodore since I didn't want to push myself too far to start with! :))
(I hope you don't mind the attachment being 8K)
All the best,