C (84/178)

Date:21 Jul 2000 at 01:49:08
Subject:Re: BOOPSI freeze ups

Czesc Nick!

Dnia 20-Lip-00, Nick Lamburn napisa�:

>Please someone help before I give up!!

I compiled rkmbutclass.c using SAS/C v6.58 and everything works fine (no
deadlock, no crashes). Of course you compiled it without stackcheck (or
equivalent option)? BTW: I had similar problem (ie. deadlock after window
resize) with my own gadgetclass and I found that you cannot use
InstallClipRect() on msg->gpr_RPort or even on RastPort obtained via
ObtainGIRPort()! This bug was fixed in OS v3.5 (or OS v3.1 I don't remember


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