OpenAmiga (101/959)

From:Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia
Date:2 Aug 2000 at 07:33:32
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Patches for bugs

At 05:39 PM 8/1/00 +0200, you wrote:
>On Tue, Aug 01, 2000 at 04:10:06PM +0200, Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia wrote:
> > >Besides, Amiga and Tao have acknowledged this and they
> > >are working on a fix.
> > When did Tao say this, and what did they say exactly?
>Some weeks ago. Here is a quote:
> > We appreciate that this is a limitation and are working on a scheme to
> > remove the toolname from the tool when on disk. When the tool is loaded
> > into memory, the toolname will be taken from the filename. This will mean
> > that tools can be moved and copied but will break any code which references
> > the old toolname.

I see. Thanks for the info. However, my point was that this is not
a "bug", it is a design flaw (i.e., it was intentional). Anyway let's
see how they do it without breaking too much code.


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