OpenAmiga (12/959)

From:Anders Bolager
Date:1 Aug 2000 at 02:25:57
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: OT: Setting Up A web Server

On 31-Jul-00, Matthew J Fletcher wrote:
> Hi,.
>> You must buy one at your ISP (Internet Service Provider).
> So it that diffent from buting a domain name ?, how much do these things
> normally cost ?

Yes, domain names maps to IP addresses, but the two are governed by two
completely different bodies. IP ranges (so called class A ,B or C networks)
are owned by the ISP's, and other companies. Because of the current
shortage, and because dynamic IP's are easier for big ISP's to administer,
static IP's can be a bit of a problem to get a hold of. Some dialup ISP's
will charge a bit extra (in the order of $5 here in the US AFIK,) others
will just flat out will ignore you. This may be easier/more difficult if
you're dealing with DSL/cable. My DSL provider here gave me the three I
asked for without any troubles, but they did advertize about that. They
have since been more restrictive as their userbase has grown. The smaller
the better, (ISP vice) is my experience.

A compromise is the so called DHCP (dynamic host config. protocol or
something like that) where the IP's in prinsiple are dynamic, but where the
server will try it's best to remember you, so you will be able to reconnect
with the same IP often. If ISP's around you offer that, it may be worth it
to ask about on average how often they change.

>> But usually,
>> it's more simple to buy disk space instead and use the web server of
>> your ISP. Then you just upload your pages and the ISP makes sure the
>> webserver runs. Then you can use your local apache installation to
>> test the webpages before you upload them.
> I have had a web page for 3 years, but i now need to let people copy
> files from my machine (i am to lazy to keep copying them to my isp),
> when i had my clasic (old) amiga i used miami to record the dynamic
> address i was given from my isp and then mail that to people who wanted
> to connet (via the amiga web server (aws)), the problem was that people
> keept trying to connect to old addreses.

Yeah, you have found the limitation of dynamic IP's. For client side stuff
(which is all the majority of dailup users worry about) it's seldom a
problem, but if you want to do anything serve-like, things get difficult to
outright impossible.

> regards,
> ---
> Matthew J Fletcher
> Serck Controls Ltd Programming from PIC to Java
> ICQ amimjf 44193496
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Anders Bolager <>

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