OpenAmiga (131/959)

From:Victor I. Haaz
Date:2 Aug 2000 at 22:37:02
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Amiwest news / new SDK / 'Portability'

From: Harold Grovesteen <>
>You have the same issue with Java. All those people hooked on C or C++
>wanting to add that to their programs with the Java Native Interface
>(JNI). People who want portability just don't do that. The same will
>be true here. People who want portability will only right to the VP
>code environment.

Right, just note that in Elate/Ami you can also use C/C++ without affecting
'portability', as these are also compiled to VP-code... My concern is apps
with CPU-native code, but not (correct) VP-code. It's maybe OK up to this
point, if their developers don't mind CPU-dependence. Problems start to
arrive if other apps that would otherways be 'moveable'* won't be so because
relies on the former ones. It's critical if these are parts of the system. And it
seems development of the system itself will be done on several platforms/HW's

*BTW, how to call the new HW-independent programs? 'Portable' maybe isn't
the best term for it as usually there is no need to port anything (only the native
routines sometimes, if any).

Victor I Haaz

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