OpenAmiga (162/959)

From:Martin Baute
Date:3 Aug 2000 at 14:41:37
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Vector graphcs for Amiverse gadgets/classes

Hello Claus

On 02-Aug-00, you wrote:

> gfx effects are cool when you see them for the first time and they might
> be fun if you look at them a second time. But this will wear off and these
> effects get in the way and on your nerves. I agree we need OpenGL on
> Amiga, but usability is more important than realtime shaded 3D icons which
> glow when your 3D rendered mouse pointer hits them. just my 2 cents ...

Yep, talk about "bloated waste of ressources". I don�t want to read this
phrase in any Amiga related review, ever. ;-)


Martin Baute
Registered Amiga Developer - Member of Bielefeld Amiga Users & Developers
Unless stated otherwise, above statements are reflecting my own ignorance
Some assembly required. Remember girlfriends are usually not coded in C++

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