OpenAmiga (176/959)

From:Gary Peake
Date:3 Aug 2000 at 17:35:27
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Windoze version of the SDK

On Thu, 3 Aug 2000 14:16:05 +0200 , you wrote:

>Hallo Amiga supprt team,
>As you probably read before there are people here asked for a Windoze
>version of the SDK. My peecee is geared towards Windoze applications
>development. For practical reasons, I earn a living thanks to WindozeNT,
>SQL-Server etc. Widoze is where I want my SDK to run on.
>Can someone @amiga support please tell me (and other inquiring minds) when
>the windoze version of the SDK will be available? Will it be a free upgrade
>for registred developers? Must I then buy a upgrade CD or will the Windoze
>SDK be available from a FTP server?
>Ok, now how about the other 3 market segments for the SDK . . .

The suggestion has been taken under advisement and is being discussed

Thanks for the suggestion.

Gary Peake
Director Support
Amiga Inc.

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