OpenAmiga (177/959)

From:Zoltan Hunt
Date:3 Aug 2000 at 19:13:10
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Vector graphcs for Amiverse gadgets/classes

Thats a good idea, one approach I hadn't thought of at all.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin Baute" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2000 7:53 PM
Subject: Re: AMIOPEN: Vector graphcs for Amiverse gadgets/classes

Hello Bert

On 03-Aug-00, you wrote:

> At 14:41 03-08-00 +0100, you wrote:

Nice idea, granted. But the scaling of the image is a problem, and I
don�t think it will work for more elaborate type of icons.

Hm. The CII translators are Tao�s realm. But how about a Amiga made
PII translator, that adjusts icon images at load time? For desktop
environments with their range of resolutions, these images could
remain vector based, so they would adjust at every change of
resolution. On a cell phone (fixed resolution), they are rendered
once and stored as bitmap. (Could even be rendered at compile
time, just like a tool compiled native.)

That doesn�t have to be limited to the icons themselves. Like, store
imagery and text. If the resolution is really low, display the text only.
Dynamically add the images if resolution is stepped up.

Just some brain food for the Snoqualmie gang. ;-)


Martin Baute
Registered Amiga Developer - Member of Bielefeld Amiga Users & Developers
Unless stated otherwise, above statements are reflecting my own ignorance
Some assembly required. Remember girlfriends are usually not coded in C++

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