OpenAmiga (181/959)

From:Victor I. Haaz
Date:3 Aug 2000 at 20:52:28
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Amiwest news / new SDK

From: Martin Baute <>
>Hello Grzegorz
>On 03-Aug-00, you wrote:
>> Well, it doesn't sound well. It seems that I as a classic Ami user and
>> fan should rather take a look for MorphOS. There is a public beta
>> available. In contrast to AmiVerse it
>> 1. works already...
>> 2. supports classic OS 3.x compatibility (limited to "system conformant"
>> software).
>> 3. fully supports PowerUp software.
>> 4. It makes use of my hardware, I do not need to buy a PC.
>> 5. It is much more "Amiga like" than AmiVerse (looking at SDK) seems to
>> be.
>Not to attack R. Schmidt and team, but in contrast to AmiVerse it
>1. works on "Classic" Amigas only,
>2. doesn�t have "native" applications at all AFAIK,
>3. doesn�t support WarpOS, and more important, Warp3D,
>4. will probably never support anything else but "Classic" Amigas,
>5. even more probably will vanish together with the "Classic"s, in
>years to come.
>IMHO, MorphOS sounds nice to today�s AmigaPPC owners, but
>has neither the technological potential, funding, developer / user
>support nor publicity to go anywhere. Sorry.

It's probably true, but maybe it's enough to 'alienate' Classic users,
and separate them from Ami and Amiga Inc. ... :(
IMHO, SDK for PPC-Amigas would be useful, and the Ami is a must.

Victor I Haaz

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