OpenAmiga (190/959)

From:Martin Baute
Date:4 Aug 2000 at 09:32:06
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Amiwest news / new SDK

Hello Gustavo

On 04-Aug-00, you wrote:

>> 1. works on "Classic" Amigas only,
> Of course, but Amiverse don�t run under Amiga68k.

How long do you intend to keep the 68k for everyday work?

>> 2. doesn�t have "native" applications at all AFAIK,
> Like Amiverse today.

But I�m afraid MorphOS will remain in this state, while I see
chances for Ami to develop.

>> 3. doesn�t support WarpOS, and more important, Warp3D,
> Only for now.

Ralph Schmidt made it pretty clear (after the Amigart survey)
that he will *not* put Warp3D support in MorphOS, "period".

>> 4. will probably never support anything else but "Classic" Amigas,
> I suppose is the same case for AmigaOS 3.5 and WarpOS.
> MorphOS run, and run under Amiga "Classics" w/PPC, today
> and all here see the shell of Linux, c�mon Martin, Amiverse is better
> in many ways, but is better first because is supported by Amiga Inc,
> all here want a better future for Amiga and for Amiga "Classics" users
> too.

No, the Amiverse is better because it offers a perspective for
professional developers and companies outside of the existing
Amiga market. MorphOS lacks this perspective.

IMHO, of course.


Martin Baute
Registered Amiga Developer - Member of Bielefeld Amiga Users & Developers
Unless stated otherwise, above statements are reflecting my own ignorance
Some assembly required. Remember girlfriends are usually not coded in C++

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