OpenAmiga (197/959)

From:Victor I. Haaz
Date:4 Aug 2000 at 16:08:43
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Amiwest news / new SDK

From: Gustavo Saracca <>
>[ vs amiverse ]
>> 1. works on "Classic" Amigas only,
> Of course, but Amiverse don�t run under Amiga68k.

Neither MorphOS. What's your point?

>> 4. will probably never support anything else but "Classic" Amigas,
> I suppose is the same case for AmigaOS 3.5 and WarpOS.

AOS3.5 will run *on/in* Ami, and Ami will run on many platforms...
Anyway, we compared MorphOS to Ami.

BTW, it's planned to port MorphOS to other PPC-based platforms
(according to their site). Not like if it matters that much.

Victor I Haaz

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