OpenAmiga (199/959)

Date:4 Aug 2000 at 17:13:13
Subject:RE: AMIOPEN: Amiwest news / new SDK

> Gustavo Saracca :
>I don't try to put MorphOS into a glass galery of the betters OS never
>maked, I try only to give a few hope to the Amiga "Classics" users.
>I don't want to hate people, OS or machines, I don't want hate
>anything, is my point more clear for you ?

I have to agree with Gustavo here, and though this list is arguably not
the place to do it, the topic has been broached... Will the same fervor
later be pointed against AROS I wonder? If people continue to think that
convincing others of the unworthiness of other OS teams' efforts will
boost *their* favored OS, try to remember what your mommies might have
told you when you were wee lads about this all-too-human tendency : }

I say Congrats to anybody anywhere who is trying to make a difference.
More power to them, and may the merits of the efforts determine how we
see them, and not our own prejudices and preferences. Put the work into
what you want instead of putting it against others. Who knows, someday
they may be in a position to help work you consider important.

<-- greenboy ---<<< don't tread on whoever

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