OpenAmiga (225/959)

From:Rob Iacullo
Date:5 Aug 2000 at 11:36:41
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: To Windoze or Not to Windoze (was: reply to Gary)

> Aaron seems to be hitting it spot on -

Hitting what?

> -The fact that a basic Linux installation is tres simple to do in
> parallel with a Windoze

You've GOT to be joking here.

> -The fact that like Aaron pointed out, anyone really committed to
> doing truly great innovative
> things would have no problem playing with an alternative OS....and
> that having the SDK running

Why spend the time on learning Linux if you already know Windows.

> Perhaps the compromise would be to move the Windoze SDK back and
> just give dedicated to the few key partners that have indicated that
> they will only develop for
> the new AMI anytime soon if a Windows SDK is available -are there
> any of those?

And all those Windows developers who want to develope for Amiga can
just go out and learn Linux? Thats nuts.

> Perhaps it would be prudent to kick up the priorty for Native SDK

This I would like.

> and Superbly supported
> Linux development before catering to the laggards that are Windoze
> developers?

Keep in mind that those "laggards" are developing MOST of the software
in existance. Do you just want to alienate them?

The other thing is that since Amiga plans the AmigaOne for December
don't you think they have alot of resources working on that?

And they have said from the beginning that Amiga would run on Windows.

Rob Iacullo (Eagle)
President-AMiga Users Society Eastside
Team Amiga

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