OpenAmiga (235/959)

From:Rick Hodger
Date:5 Aug 2000 at 14:59:12
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: To Windoze or Not to Windoze (was: reply to Gary)

I watched as Roger Lawhorn hammered "Re: AMIOPEN: To Windoze or Not to
Windoze (was: reply to Gary)" out on their keyboard...

> It really scares me that the majority of software for AmigaNG might
> actually be written by winblows people. These are the same people who
> started writing their software for the Macintosh also (NORTONS, Microsoft
> IE). Now, the Macintosh is a complete piece of junk and crashes every five
> seconds just like windows does. These people CANNOT write code that works.
> They DO NOT have a debugging department. It goes from freshly compiled to
> store shelf with NO bug fixes; and then they want to charge you $400
> (Corel WordPerfect) for the complete piece of junk!

No offence, but not all PC software is like that. Yes there is a lot of
crappy software out there, but I think it's mostly down to the fact that
there is no proper version control over most DLL's, and I've seen
installers quite happily write old buggy DLL's over the top of up-to-date
fixed ones.

For example, Macromedia's software is truly excellent kit, and usually quite
small as well considering. For example, you can download the Flash 4 demo
(10Mb) and it is a fully functional (albeit 30 day limit) piece of kit,
which I have to yet see crash. Not only that, but it's quite
powerful....good enough to possibly rival Photoshop in terms of
abilities...and Photoshop is 100Mb.

It's just a question of sifting the bad from the good.

| Rick Hodger | | |
| *SimpleFTP v2.70* | |
| /Founder of Pagan Software/ | |
Why should I grow up? This is more fun!

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