OpenAmiga (236/959)

From:Gary Peake
Date:5 Aug 2000 at 16:52:14
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: To Windoze or Not to Windoze (was: reply to Gary)

On Sat, 05 Aug 2000 12:14:19 +0100, you wrote:

>Hello Jean-Pierre
>On 05-Aug-00, you wrote:
>> -all the positive coverage Ami got because of running on Linux (and no
>> doubt got a lot
>> of Linux programmers interested in doing something with/for Ami)
>Imagine how positive the response would be if the host OS doesn�t

Something that has been missed in the posts here is this very fact.
The new Amiga OE is host ignorant. Write once, run many means JUST

The days of having to write your code several times in several
different ways are gone forever with the new AmigaOE and what better
way to demonstrate that point than by offering an SDK that is also
platform independent?

If we ignore one of the very positives about what we are doing, we all
miss a great opportunity here.

Some of what I have said concerning this opportunity has been either
misread or misinterpreted.

The opportunity for programmers to code an application ONE TIME and
run it on any platform they wish is now in your grasp. You can pass up
that opportunity, you can ignore that opportunity, or you can take
advantage of that opportunity.

As far as company resources and support goes, we do NOT support the
underlying or host OS. We support ONLY the SDK which we sell.

No manpower or resources is being wasted by AI on Windows.

IF Red Hat (the largest linux distributor about nowadays) did not
think our plan was a good one, would they be selling our SDK from
their web site?

It's time to get over bias and think in terms of "write once, run
many". That is what we are offering developers today (as well as other

What an opportunity for developers who no longer have to be concerned
with what chip set or OS (if any) their application might be running

To me (and we all have our opinions about this) one of the most
important aspects of the Amiga, what drew me to it and held me here
all these years was the fact that with Amiga, "we did things because
we could, not because we had to".

Our commitment to the Amiga developers and dealers will not waiver,
nor will our support for open source in our new environment. Look at
aminet. There is a plethora of open source, shareware, freeware, gift
ware applications that is greater than almost any other platform can

Those applications weren't coded and placed on aminet because the
developers had to. They did it just because they could.

Imagine the exposure, the benefits they can gain with an OE that is
platform indifferent! Hopefully they will still do it because they

Gary Peake
Director Support
Amiga Inc.

Catch the Dream ... Amiga Dream Team

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