OpenAmiga (242/959)

From:Michael Flaherty
Date:5 Aug 2000 at 22:29:31
Subject:AMIOPEN: So the World May Know What???

Hi All,
I'm going to be at ECTS next month (Europe's major gaming industry show)
and I fully intend on wearing the T-Shirt handed out by Bill and Co at A2K
in St Louis.

So while I'm walking around with "so the world may know" on my back, I'm
hoping people will stop me and ask "so the world may know what?".

I read everything Ami related I can find (including every message from
this list) so I'm quite comfortable discussing Ami at length - I just have
problems condensing things into a single sentence.

If you can find it in your hearts to arm me with some 1 or 2 sentence
answers to the question "so the world may know what?", I'd really appreciate
it, and hopefully I'll be able to direct a few Windoze/Console people
towards the light =^)

Thanks in Advance,

Michael Flaherty [ liquid5 ]

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