OpenAmiga (252/959)

From:Martin Baute
Date:6 Aug 2000 at 11:32:34
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: So the World May Know What???

On 06-Aug-00, I wrote:

>> If you can find it in your hearts to arm me with some 1 or 2 sentence
>> answers to the question "so the world may know what?", I'd really
>> appreciate it, and hopefully I'll be able to direct a few Windoze/Console
>> people towards the light =^)

> "AMIGA - So the world may know, that operating systems don�t need
> hundreds of megabytes, hundreds of megahertz, hundreds of hours
> setting up and configuring, hundreds of books to read before you can
> use them.

Well, or this one:

"AMIGA - So the world may know that it doesn�t matter how much you
know about computers, it doesn�t matter what you want them to do, it
doesn�t matter what hardware you own, it doesn�t matter which, if any,
OS you are using so far. Welcome to the AmiVerse."

Jeez, I love creating slogans. ;-)


Martin Baute
Registered Amiga Developer - Member of Bielefeld Amiga Users & Developers
Unless stated otherwise, above statements are reflecting my own ignorance
Some assembly required. Remember girlfriends are usually not coded in C++

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