OpenAmiga (257/959)

From:Jonas Gustavsson
Date:6 Aug 2000 at 14:11:52
Subject:SV: AMIOPEN: The Windows SDK will never work.

> I use linux, but i got a copy of win98 so that i can just the SDK
> on that platform to, the only problem is that Windows wont boot
> properly after i install the SBlaster software, it just crahing on
> and then shuts down my computer (what crap !!), anyway this is a
> bit anoying (and yes i have tried re-installing the SBLive software
> and the latest drivers), but windows is still shot.
That would be that the SB16 Emulation can�t find the Mem manager.
If you don�t need SB dos compatibility, edit Autoexec.bat and remove the
references to SB files, you can also check the config.sys for ref�s to mem.managers
and remove em(you don�t realy need em).
The last option if you need dos compatibility get the latest complete driverset from creative
and reinstall(about 30 mb).


Jonas Gustavsson
3D Dev. Team / Support
Amiga Inc.

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