OpenAmiga (288/959)

From:Aaron Optimizer Digulla
Date:7 Aug 2000 at 11:12:47
Subject:Re: .anim was: Re: AMIOPEN: OT: ILBM Converters

Zitiere Joachim Thomas <>:

> Hello Matthew
> On 05-Aug-00, Matthew J Fletcher wrote:
> >MJF Do any of you know of a program that will convert ilbms to
> something
> >MJF that linux will read with more ease. I have ppm but it dies on some
> of
> >MJF the files that i failed to convert before my amiga died.
> ...I'd need a .anim file viewer under Windows. Is there any existing?
> (better if freeware, I'll need it only for a short time)

I'd check for ImageMagic and xanim. Both are Linux tools but they
might have been ported to Win32.

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Aaron "Optimizer" Digulla,

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