OpenAmiga (305/959)

From:Gustavo Saracca
Date:7 Aug 2000 at 17:36:44
Subject:re: AMIOPEN: To Windoze or Not to Windoze

Note: Sorry, my fingers don't work well, M$ influenza.


I try don't to write about a Windows version of SDK
because I write many words in the past, but I try to repeat
only one or two points why the SDK need to run under Windows,
beyound the Amiga public relation department.
First you need more than one computer to develop
this isn't a resource problem or space problem, this is
a productivity problem because I can't get truSpace output
and SDK, or Fireworks and SDK, or even my favorite
environment/development tools beside the SDK, and my
native Java compiler with SDK and make side to side
software development, I can't get good tools to develop
under Linux, and of course I don't install a $4000 software
pack under a freeware OS, because this good is OS but don't
understand my new USB hardware, for example.

music men, you can get more and more resurces and specific
task for each, but in a high productive environment with
few developers you need a tool inside your working

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