OpenAmiga (316/959)

From:Alan Swithenbank
Date:7 Aug 2000 at 22:47:48
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Windows SDK buzz

> ...without starting a huge thread full of flames...
> Can someone tell me (in a couple of lines) why everyone is so interested in a
> Windows version of the SDK? (Why not just dual-boot your Windows system?)

Because many people who can write excellent code have no desire to take the time
to set up a dual boot system. (Yea, it's easy, long as everything is
compatible and you don't make any mistakes...and then there is the issue of
needing to learn at least some of the additional OS before you can set up the SDK
once you boot Linux...installing Liunx is not hard, getting it set up and on-line
is another honest!...;^)...)

It's not an issue for me, but I certianly understand the interest.

> Thanks
> Pat
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