OpenAmiga (372/959)

From:Matthew J Fletcher
Date:8 Aug 2000 at 21:22:37
Subject:RE: AMIOPEN: StarOffice 5.2


> > StarOffice would be great to have, I looked at the sources though and it's
> > pretty deeply tied into X.... a lot of recoding...

> How does it work on Windows then? AFAIK there are versions for Linux
> and Windows. At which source code did you look at?

Although i dont know, the most sensible way (i.e the way they probably did it)
was to create a custom gui set that they then ported to unix/win32. However
this does not mean that its portable, just that it has been ported.

You would have to re-work teh whole gui set to elate calls, as well as anything
else such as sound support, image decoders etc.

For example, take MSOffice for the mac, MS may well have managed the port, but
they are quite diffrent projects (hell sometimes they cant read each others


Matthew J Fletcher
Serck Controls Ltd Programming from PIC to Java ICQ amimjf 44193496
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