OpenAmiga (375/959)

From:Rudi Chiarito
Date:8 Aug 2000 at 22:26:57
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: media-window size

On Tue, Aug 08, 2000 at 10:46:45PM +0200, Stefan Robl wrote:
> Now there is still one question left:
> Is it also possible to make the eterm under the media-window bigger?

You can change the way eterm is launched by editing the file
"/app/start/ave/eterm.scr" (hint: you can add new menus and submenus to
the AVE menu by creating directories and files under /app/start. Scripts
that launch programs should end with the suffix .scr).

The options you need to specify are -w and -h (width/height). You can
also set the font family/size with -f and -s. You can read eterm's
documentation with the command "html /dev/ave/dsk/eterm/eterm.html".

"Con onor muore chi non puo' serbar vita con onore" (Madama Butterfly)
Rudi Chiarito SGML/XML, user interface, i18n Amiga Inc.
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