OpenAmiga (396/959)

From:Michiel Erasmus
Date:10 Aug 2000 at 09:53:44
Subject:AMIOPEN: Is the amiga support maillist Web enabled ?

Hoi Gary,

A few weeks ago someone posted to the support maillist to ask if there is a
way to read the messages via the web. Apparently not.

I thought it would be nice if people could at least read the postings on
the maillist, but not (necceseraly) post via the web. If there is no such
interface, and ATM it can't be done then I have a suggestion on how to get
the email list on the web. As I am a 100% Micro$oft developer I only know
their products and that is what I will purpose to use.

Here at work (and all over the planet..) Outlook98 is the standard office
eMail program, Outlook saves all mails in one big file.
The basic idea is to have an Active Server Page display a eMail from a
database. Initially you should use M$-Access2000 to import the Outlook
eMails file into Acess2k, then create a ASPs to handle the web GUI. Once
the eMail is in Access2k for better performance transfer the imported data
over to an Oracle database, or any other (freeware?) Db which talks ODBC.
Then you have ofcourse the users access the support maillist via the ASP web

Minimum hardware/software needed
* a peecee Pentium120 or so running Win95 with 64Mb ram (maybe less?)
* Full Personal web server installed
* internet connection
* M$-Outlook2000 (maybe outlook97??)
* M$-Access2000 (becos 97 can't import .pst files), Oracle8 personal may
also work. (or Oracle for Linux??)
* or, any other database which is accesable from a windoze machine via

Recommended hardware/software (overkill just for a maillist)
* Quad Pentium and loadsa RAM..
* WindoseNT 4.0 Server/Win2k Server with Servicepack 6..
* Internet Information Server 4.0+
* Oracle8 Server
* or, any other database which is accesable from a windoze machine via

I don't know how Oracle8 personal will a big load if you have tasks
connecting/disconnecting. If the same can be done using Linux, then I can't
at this stage help. I suppose amiga is using some windoze machines, so you
can do the above.

I am glad to help, and if I have the free time to do so.

met vriendelijke groet,
Michiel Erasmus

- SQL-Server Database Administrator | AmigaNG en Microsoft ontwikkelaar -
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