OpenAmiga (399/959)

From:Gustavo Saracca
Date:10 Aug 2000 at 17:05:24
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Is the amiga support maillist Web enabled ?


need a few work under Linux, majordomo write all messages under
a directory, then little Java or pure-cgi WebMails, can be
found around the net, a simple touch under a freeware WebMailer
in Java can make the job easy and faster, I suppose the MS-Access
or even MS-SQL mailing list based is more secure, but a simple
deamon for backup under cron can solve this issue.

extended server division, for a mailing list only one machine
w/Linux w/o X is ready for the job, you only need sendmail,
majordomo, apache, if you wish a choice of perl o java interface,
no more than 128Mb of RAM, one cpu (your choice) and of course
a good and reliable hd if you have the money can buy a cuaq piii
processor machine or even a sun enterprise server.

you don't need more than it, isn't an egroup solution of
course, Amiga can test elate under Linux w/a java front end
for webmailer too.

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