OpenAmiga (470/959)

From:Zoltan Hunt
Date:17 Aug 2000 at 15:17:21
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Sidegrade

Ok, good points, while I'm still in favor of some kind of discount (say 25%)
for owners of the first SDK, I understand that the next release will include
some more stuff (MESA?, others).

As well, and I count myself here, are using systems at work which don't run
Linux, and it would be great to show off some Amiga stuff to coworkers.

Zoltan Hunt
----- Original Message -----
From: "Aaron Ruscetta" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2000 10:38 PM
Subject: Re: AMIOPEN: Sidegrade

> On Mon, 14 Aug 2000, Liam Welford wrote:
> > This new OE/OS or whatever you like to call it is designed to be
> > independent, and for this reason I feel when you pay for the SDK you
> > be given the right to use it on whatever hosted enviroment you want, as
> > when the SDK is available for that OS.
> An understandable point, but who are you expecting to be paying for
> all these different packages then??
> Until the platform independent release, each seperately targeted
> version is going to unavoidably incur its own, entirely seperate set
> of costs for creation, packaging, production and distribution. I
> firmly believe the users/developers that want other platform dependent
> options should be willing to pay for ALL the costs and resources
> involved in doing so, independent of any other offerings. If enough
> feel that a BeOS, or Mac or windoze SDK is worthwhile and can convince
> AI to invest the resources, then they should be willing to pay for
> the cost of providing their special interest option.
> Having invested in the Linux SDK, I have less than 0 interest in a
> windoze release. Not only is the Linux platform vastly more efficient
> and effective for running the actual SDK and VP software, but my
> opinion is that the Linux environment is also more consistent with the
> whole "independent" and "alternative" goal of a new Amiga. I don't
> think that the dollars I've spent for a Linux SDK have any business
> what-so-ever being spent on other platform dependent SDK's; the
> package I bought and the goals I've invested in have nothing to do
> with windoze or Mac or Be.
> If others out there want see a Mac or BeOS or windoze dependent SDK
> and can get AI to make one in the next few months, great; just please
> have the common decency to pay for it out of your own wallet.
> peace
> /* AArexx AAron */
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