OpenAmiga (485/959)

From:Jesse McClusky
Date:18 Aug 2000 at 00:42:34
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: C Example of adding REAL gadgets to a window.

> From: "Georg Steger" <>
> BTW: Is there something like IDCMP_REFRESHWINDOW which apps must
> handle when hidden areas of a window get uncovered?

There's an EV_REFRESH... It can be for just about any target.
There's also the _redraw method (page 267).

Most of what you're looking for can involve patches; info
on them is on page 267 as well, along with ave/rec/api.html.
There's also info on graphical contexts on page 268 and in

> Maybe not for gadgets, but what happens if you draw a line in a window,
> then obscure this window by moving another window over it and then away
> again. Is the line still there.

Generally speaking, if you don't do anything to handle it,
things work mostly like a SMARTREFRESH.

> Is there any way to specify this window refresht type or are there only
> smart refresh windows, or only super refresh windows, or only simple
> refresh windows?

Unless you write your own avo base object, you get a version
of SMARTREFRESH plus events (which can be ignored).

> Are there child windows? (is there some argument called "parent" or
> in OpenWindow (or whatever name it has in Ami) function?)

All AVOs can have children, to my knowledge (correct me if I'm wrong).
Common (standard) AVO types include Apps, Windows, Gadgets,
Pixmaps, Images, and Sounds. The only real difference between them
is the functionality they implement. Just as an example, I've attached
Buttons as children of a Pixmap, which was a direct child of the App.
All AVOs have a lot of built-in base functionality.


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