OpenAmiga (50/959)

From:Joachim Thomas
Date:1 Aug 2000 at 15:51:58
Subject:DDNS was: Re: AMIOPEN: OT: Setting Up A web Server

Hello Harold

On 01-Aug-00, Harold Grovesteen wrote:
>HG To be accessable from the web you need publicly registered IP address
>HG which does not change. You would need to get this from your Internet
>HG Service Provider. Also you should have a registered domain name. Your
>HG ISP can help with that or you can register it yourself through
>HG organizations which charge a small fee to do so. Technically the URL to
>HG access your site can have just an IP address, instead of a domain name,
>HG but that is not very useful for people to type in a browser. It does
>HG work fine in a link to your site.
>HG Also a dial up connection does not work well because youa are not
>HG always on the web and usually you get different IP addresses each time
>HG you dial into the ISP (although there are ways for the ISP to handle
>HG this with you domain name) and usually there are inactivity timeouts
>HG which drop you connection if there are no packets flowing.
>HG Hope this helps,
>HG Harold Grovesteen
>HG wrote:
>HG> Hi,..
>HG> I know this is way of topic, but i cant seem to find any simple
>HG> instructions on how to setup a simple webserver, does anybody know a
>HG> good site (one that is not trying to sell me a book !!).
>HG> The software is sorted and i have configured apache for localhost
>HG> access which works just fine,.. but the main problem is.
>HG> Where (how) do i get an IP address,..? i have the domain bit sorted,
>HG> but an IP is needed, help..

I resolved the problem in this way 1-2 years ago:

I got a DDNS (dynamic domain name service) from
( that redirects any call to my actual dynamic IP address
while I'm online with my A1200 through my ISP, running a little AREXX web
server. The script to link to the service was on Aminet when I found it, so
try to search 'ddns' or '' on Aminet (if you don't find anything,
let me know and I'll look for)...

hope it helps... ;-)


Joachim Thomas - - ICQ 18088459
Member of ATO (italian Division) & Team-Amiga
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Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain.
-- Lily Tomlin

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